The Apache Software Foundation has released version 2.4.50 of the HTTP Web Server to address two vulnerabilities, one of which is an actively exploited path traversal and file disclosure flaw.
The Apache HTTP Server is an open-source, cross-platform web server that is extremely popular for being versatile, robust, and free.
The actively exploited zero-day vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2021-41773 and it enables actors to map URLs to files outside the expected document root by launching a path traversal attack.
For the attack to work, the target has to run Apache HTTP Server 2.4.49, and also has to have the “Require all denied” access control parameter disabled.
Since the disclosure of the vulnerability, security researchers have been able to reproduce the vulnerability and warned that admins should patch immediately.
We have reproduced the fresh CVE-2021-41773 Path Traversal vulnerability in Apache 2.4.49.