VirusTotal announced on Monday the launch of a new artificial intelligence-based code analysis feature named Code Insight.
The new feature is powered by the Google Cloud Security AI Workbench introduced at the RSA Conference 2023 and which uses the Sec-PaLM large language model specifically fine-tuned for security use cases.
VirusTotal Code Insight analyzes potentially harmful files to explain their behavior, and it will improve the ability to identify which of them pose actual threats.
“At present, this new functionality is deployed to analyze a subset of PowerShell files uploaded to VirusTotal. The system excludes files that are highly similar to those previously processed, as well as files that are excessively large,” VirusTotal founder Bernardo Quintero said.
Code Insight will also help get insight into false positives and negatives, as its analysis is entirely independent of associated metadata since only the file’s content is being examined.
VirusTotal will add more file formats to the list of supported files in the following days, aiming to expand the scope of this new feature even further.